Sonia Delaunay, a pioneering artist in the realm of abstract art and textile design, created this mesmerizing vase titled 'Hélice.' Executed with vibrant and bold geometric patterns, the vase encapsulates...
Sonia Delaunay, a pioneering artist in the realm of abstract art and textile design, created this mesmerizing vase titled "Hélice." Executed with vibrant and bold geometric patterns, the vase encapsulates Delaunay's distinctive style, characterized by rhythmic colour contrasts and dynamic shapes. "Hélice," which translates to "propeller" in French, aptly captures the essence of movement and energy. The swirling patterns on the vase evoke a sense of perpetual motion, reminiscent of a propeller slicing through the air. Delaunay's masterful use of colour and form in "Hélice" exemplifies her commitment to the integration of art into everyday life, showcasing her enduring influence on the intersection of visual arts and design.
About the porcelain manufacturing: Crafted in Limoges, these pieces are made using traditional techniques dating back to the 18th century. A blend of kaolin, quartz, and feldspar forms the paste, which is shaped using manual molding, casting, and calibration methods. First the object is fired at 1400 degrees and then the pottery is glazed and decorated with colored enamels. After a second firing at 850 degrees, the decoration becomes permanent.