René Magritte often incorporated unconventional elements like clouds or leaves into his depictions of birds, deviating from their traditional feathered appearance. This recurring motif in his artwork exemplifies a captivating...
René Magritte often incorporated unconventional elements like clouds or leaves into his depictions of birds, deviating from their traditional feathered appearance. This recurring motif in his artwork exemplifies a captivating blend of simplicity and grace. By presenting a bird that simultaneously soars amidst foliage and becomes enveloped by it, Magritte symbolizes a harmonious union between the bird and its surroundings. This particular print is one of the few prints created and published during the artist's lifetime. It is one of the few prints that Magritte himself hand-signed. The image was designed to be used as the poster image the 'XXI Salon de Mai' held at the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.