Grayson Perry, the celebrated British contemporary artist, is renowned for his ability to use art as a powerful medium to address significant societal issues, and one such example is his...
Grayson Perry, the celebrated British contemporary artist, is renowned for his ability to use art as a powerful medium to address significant societal issues, and one such example is his thought-provoking ‘Piggy Bank’. Born in 1960, Perry's work often intertwines themes of identity, culture, and politics, capturing the pulse of contemporary society.
At the heart of this sculpture is a captivating exploration of the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union. With his characteristic blend of wit and insight, Perry tackles the complexities of this historic political event through the familiar symbol of the piggy bank. In this artwork, the piggy bank takes on a dual role, symbolizing not only the traditional notion of saving and financial security but also representing the UK's collective economic and political future. The decision to leave the EU was rife with uncertainties, and Perry's piggy bank encapsulates the nation's hopes and fears, capturing the sentiment of a nation divided. The piggy bank has two faces, it seems as the pig wants to walk in two different directions.
Through the medium of ceramics, Perry showcases his exceptional craftsmanship, creating a tangible and striking representation of the Brexit piggy bank. The physicality of the ceramic artwork serves as a reminder of the weight and significance of the decision, as well as the fragility of the situation.